Deleting a DataObject with an unresolved dependent relationship

From: Terry Wilcox (
Date: Fri Dec 19 2003 - 16:35:43 EST

  • Next message: Andrus Adamchik: "Re: Deleting a DataObject with an unresolved dependent relationship"

    I'm trying to delete a DataObject with a dependent relationship. If I resolve the relationship first, it works. If I don't resolve it first, I get a ClassCastException (in both 1.03 and 1.04).

    DataContext's delete method uses DataObject's readPropertyDirectly to get the related object, then casts it to DataObject. If the relationship hasn't been resolved, readPropertyDirectly returns a RelationshipFault, not a DataObject. Hence the ClassCastException.

    Should readPropertyDirectly be returning a RelationshipFault or should it be resolving the relationship and returning the related object. The latter behaviour seems safer, but is it correct?


    Terry Wilcox
    Entero Corporation

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