Re: Newbie questions

From: Mike Kienenberger (
Date: Sun Apr 04 2004 - 12:18:17 EDT

  • Next message: Andrus Adamchik: "Re: Newbie questions"

    Todd O'Bryan <> wrote:
    > 1. Is there an Eclipse plugin for Cayenne, yet? If not, how do you use
    > Cayenne with Eclipse. Can you just set the directory for code
    > generation/xml files to be saved into as the src folder in an Eclipse
    > project and then Refresh in Eclipse when you make changes, or is there
    > some subtlety involved?

    Yep. That's really all that's necessary.
    I have set up an ant task to generate my code files from modeler templates.
    I save my xml files into WEB-INF, but you could put them whereever you like.

    > 3. Am I correct in my current understanding of relationships which is
    > as follows: a relationship connects one field of one table to a field
    > of another table. You have to specify an attribute of one table to hold
    > an attribute value (probably a PK value) of another table. Then you
    > additionally have to specify that said attribute represents a
    > relationship. Is that right? I kept assuming that if I specified a
    > relationship the tool should be smart enough to stick in any extra
    > fields needed to effect the relationship for me, but I'm sensing that's
    > not right...

    No, you've got it right. The only semantical correction I'd make is that a
    relation connects one field of one table to another table (rather than to
    another table's field).

    For example, in a Table/Entity Book, you could specify DB attribute
    AUTHOR_ID which is a foreign key to the primary key of an Author
    Table/Entity. You'd create an ObjAttribute of author, and from then on,
    you'd just reference "book.getAuthor()" to get back an Author Object, and
    "book.setAuthor(Author authorObject)" to set an author object.

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