Client-Side DataContext?

From: Ashley Aitken (
Date: Tue Jul 06 2004 - 11:38:50 EDT

  • Next message: Andrus Adamchik: "Re: Client-Side DataContext?"

    Hello Andrus and Cayenne List Members,

    I hope it is ok for me to ask the following question on this list, if
    not please point me towards another list (or the door ;-).

    I am wondering, firstly if it is possible, and secondly if there are
    plans to add some sort of client-side datacontexts to Cayenne (in as
    similar way to Apple's EOF)? For a start, does Cayenne support the
    concept of nested datacontexts?

    If so, it would seem that "all" that would be required would be a
    distribution mechanism on the server and client to allow a client
    "nested" datacontext to work with a server-side datacontext.

    Of course, once the basic facility is in place then one could add
    object partitioning (between the server and client) and remote business
    logic execution (ie client-side objects execute certain methods on the
    server, for security etc.)

    Currently, I am really just interested in finding out if it is possible
    within Cayenne's current architecture (and if so then it is something
    that others or I could perhaps work on in the future ...).

    Thanks in advance for any information.


    Ashley Aitken
    Perth, Western Australia
    mrhatken at mac dot com

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