Re: postgres PK serial column insert error

From: Scott Ellsworth (
Date: Mon Aug 02 2004 - 17:16:18 EDT

  • Next message: Scott Ellsworth: "Re: postgres PK serial column insert error"

    On Aug 2, 2004, at 1:21 PM, Laurence Gellert wrote:

    >> You have to know what the primary key value is before you can insert
    >> the
    > record.
    > I won't know the next value until postgres assigns it though a
    > mini-transaction it does during the insert. I just want it to be a
    > unique
    > number. Building a manual PK handler feels like reinventing the wheel,
    > it
    > runs slower, and has opportunity to loose database key integrity.

    I know what you mean about this method not always being the best choice.

    MySql offers autonumbers, and Oracle offers sequences, which one of my
    clients uses to drive primary key gerenation for their data. Each time
    I consider Cayenne, the activation energy gets me. The particularly
    icky bit here is that Oracle sequences should be queried _before_ the
    insert, while MySql ids should be queried after insert to find out what
    you ended up with.

    I need to port our code that selects from an Oracle sequence or from
    the mysql table, but I just have not had the time. Someday.

    NB - before MySql supported autonumbers, we used a table design very
    similar to the AUTO_PK_TABLE. It worked pretty well, but I am kind of
    glad to have left it behind. From what I recall, though, the code was
    not huge.

    Sure would help me, though, if Cayenne offered a "grab from sequence or
    autonumber" option for pks.


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