Re: postgres PK serial column insert error

From: Mike Kienenberger (
Date: Tue Aug 03 2004 - 11:59:00 EDT

  • Next message: Todd O'Bryan: "Re: mandatory reverse relation"

    =?iso-8859-1?Q? J=FCrgen=20Saar ?= <> wrote:
    > If you want the database to generate the primary key
    > this is not really a good idea, because you might lose
    > the the free choice of the databaseysystem you want to use.
    > This is one of the key features of a framework like cayenne.
    > For my point of view, it might have a little less performance
    > but I like this kind of independence.

    I'm no expert, but I suspect you have equivalent performance. WebObjects
    uses the same kind of cross-database-platform methodology for generating
    primary keys.

    In every case, to generate a single insert, you have to have at least two
    trips to the database.

    Either you prefetch the new primary key then insert, or you insert then
    postfetch the primary key.

    For more than one insert, you can cache several primary key values in your
    prefetch. This is true whether you use Oracle sequences or use the cayenne
    database-table-based primary key generation.

    The only thing that using a built-in database primary key generator gets you
    is the ability to use non-cayenne frameworks to generate new records on the
    same cayenne tables. And unless I misunderstand how it works,
    post-fetching (because there's no ability to cache future to-be-used primary
    key values) is going to be less performant than using the cayenne

    That said, sometimes built-in database key generation is less performant,
    but still desirable. For instance, if you use OpenBase's built-in pk
    generation, you can't cache future primary keys. However, it does guarantee
    that primary keys returned will be unique across database clusters, which is
    probably more important if you have clustered database servers :)

    In any case, as folks continue to contribute new proprietary primary key
    support for various databases, you can choose whether to use the default
    cayenne key generation or the proprietary key generation.


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