Re: Cayenne and multi-threading

From: Andrus Adamchik (
Date: Fri Dec 17 2004 - 13:48:02 EST

  • Next message: James A. Hillyerd: "Cayenne Modeler Thoughts"

    > We are using Echidna ( to run many
    > different tasks inside a single VirtualMachine. The different threads
    > can run on their own, but they need to communicate with a coordinator,
    > running in the main thread.

    Interesting, never heard of it. So is it like a J2EE container without
    J2EE ;-) ... I should check it out.

    >> // thread starts (or a "worker" thread is checked out of the pool) //
    >> obtain/create DC, bind it to the thread
    >> DataContext context = ...
    >> DataContext.bindThreadDataContext(context);
    >> ....
    >> // Somewhere in the middle of thread processing...
    >> // This call retrieves context previously bound to
    >> // the current thread from anywhere in the thread call stack
    >> DataContext context = DataContext.getThreadDataContext();
    > Does the bindThreadDataContext() method do something special, or could
    > be enough to store the dataContext in an instance variable of the
    > object we use to fork the thread?

    Nothing special. It uses a ThreadLocal variable
    ( to
    store DataContext for the thread. So as long as your instance variable is
    not shared across the threads, it should be the same thing.


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