Re: Newbie: connected user

From: Mike Kienenberger (
Date: Mon Jan 10 2005 - 10:57:56 EST

  • Next message: Mike Kienenberger: "Re: cross-vm cache - group name?"

    Koka <> wrote:
    > All works fine using the link provided by Andrus except that I found
    > that sequence based PK generation SQLs ("select
    > schemaName.sequenceName.nextVal from dual") are NOT prefixed with
    > schemaname automatically (while the normal queries are), so one needs
    > not to forget to add schema name to sequence name directly into the
    > XML or GUI modelling tool... Maybe one should adjust
    > OraclePkGenerator ...

    I'm using Oracle 9 and sequences, and I've never had a problem with schema
    names. I don't have them set in the modeler.

    However, if you set them, and they prefix everything but sequences, it does
    sound like a bug and probably needs a patch to OraclePkGenerator.

    > However, either I'm too unlucky or something's wrong with sequences in
    > Cayenne / Oracle. I found that if I try to register
    > (registerNewObject) new entities in a loop, commitChanges fails with
    > primary key violated error if number of new objects exceeds sequence's
    > cache parameter (default usually is 20) !? Looking at the neigbouring
    > thread about ordering sequence generated IDs I suspect the problems
    > are caused by multithreading and it could be Oracle fault in my case
    > (Oracle 9).

    Haven't had this problem either, but I have sequence cache parameters of 1.

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