Hello & Question...

From: Jeff LaMarche (jeff_lamarch..ac.com)
Date: Wed Feb 16 2005 - 16:01:34 EST

  • Next message: Laszlo Spoor: "Re: [question] ExpressionFactory.notInExp()"


    I've been using Cayenne for quite some time. Having at one time been a
    fair hand with WO/EOF, I haven't (before now) had any significant
    problems using Cayenne.

    I tried searching both this list and the web in general, but excuse me
    if this is a dumb question, or one that's been answered before.

    Currently, large data objects (blobs) are mapped to byte arrays.
    Unfortunately, this means that in order to get something into the
    database, you have to be able to hold it in memory. I've got a
    situation where I'm getting out of memory errors because I need to get
    a fairly large object into the database.

    Of course, increasing the maximum memory size for the JVM solves this
    problem it, but since the data I have is coming from a stream, I'd
    prefer to use the equivalent of the JDBC setBinaryStream functionality
    to stream the object right into the database without having the whole
    thing in the JVM's memory space. I can, of course, do this outside of
    Cayenne, but would prefer not to if possible, for a number of reasons.

    Is there any way to use streams instead of byte arrays for blobs in

    Thanks much.
    Jeff LaMarche

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