1.2M3 breaks stored procs?

From: Steve Wells (stwell..wnmail.net)
Date: Mon Mar 21 2005 - 02:27:23 EST

  • Next message: Andrus Adamchik: "Re: 1.2M3 breaks stored procs?"


    I just upgraded to 1.2M3, am using jtds to Sql server and find that
    calling stored procs is returning no data.

    Under M2 I do get this log (for example):
    12818 QueryLogger [INFO] === returned 51 rows. - took 31 ms.
    12833 QueryLogger [INFO] +++ transaction committed.

    Whereas under M3 I just get:
    12833 QueryLogger [INFO] +++ transaction committed.

    I'll have a look into the source tomorrow, but in the meantime, could
    there be any direct reason why this may have broken?



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