Re: PK in Expression ok?

Date: Thu Mar 24 2005 - 08:39:55 EST

  • Next message: Cris Daniluk: "RE: PK in Expression ok?"

    Fredrik Liden wrote:

    >Is it possible to make a query that includes two criteria, one of them
    >being the primary key of the parent table. Can I include the PK field
    >like a regular field in one of the Expressions?
     From what I understand, it might be a good idea to define a method to
    retrieve the PK in the lower level generated class (which is normally
    It's explained on the
    When you have access to your PK, you can use it in expressions like any
    other attribute.
    I'm curious, though: why in the world would you need to include two
    criteria, when one of them uniquely identifies a record?


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