Sessions and web services

From: Flores, Raul (
Date: Wed Apr 20 2005 - 14:10:24 EDT

  • Next message: Sami Mohammed: "Re: Primary key"

    Sorry for the repost but I forgot to add a subject:

    I recently started testing with cayenne (version 1.2M3) for use in a
    session enabled web service (java/axis under Tomcat and/or WebSphere)
    and have a question regarding storing cayenne generated classes in the

    Currently, when a user is logged into the service, an Account object
    (identifying the user, etc...) is set in the session. Is it safe to
    start using a cayenne generated class (CyAccount) in place of the
    Account class?

    I generate classes with the superclass option, so much of the current
    Account methods would be placed in the CyAccount object.

    I read in some previous user-list emails this scenario is safe as long
    as the Application Server does not process two requests for the same
    session simultaneously (not sure if Tomcat or WebSphere do this).

    Please advise me If I have misinterpreted this information; and, any
    insight you might have in regards to web services and cayenne
    implementation is appreciated.



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