Re: Compound expressions Problem and solution

From: Cris Daniluk (
Date: Tue May 24 2005 - 11:09:09 EDT

  • Next message: Mike Kienenberger: "Re: Compound expressions Problem and solution"

    > Back to the actual issue... I can have an object in the session,
    > incrementally modify it while going through a sequence of screens
    > (possibly using back button), and then save it at some point - it will
    > work just fine.
    In a web environment, suppose that you were to start the creation (or
    modification) of an object A, incrementally modify it, then
    URL-navigate directly to an entirely different page where you modify
    and save a separate object B. Because the changes to object A are part
    of the DataContext, your commit will save both object A and object B.
    Object A may not have been ready for commit and thus may throw a

    An error is returned on what should have been a successful operation.

    > On the other hand you may get in trouble if you are adding or deleting
    > objects (this should be solved with 1.2 nested DataContexts).
    This is another cavaet, but I think the big one still remains that
    there is no continuity in a web application.

    I will remove the note, but I do think we should add a page giving
    some potential pitfalls of this sort of spanning in 1.1 so people
    understand the potential trouble.

    I don't think any of those pitfalls really apply in a GUI environment
    because of the controlled workflow.

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