Cayenne Commit Exception

From: Dhruti Ramani (
Date: Thu Jul 14 2005 - 11:29:40 EDT

  • Next message: Mike Kienenberger: "Re: Handling Unique Constraint Violations"

    I have a object called AbstractDealState and that has these sub classes,

                à DeadDealState

                à NewDealState

                à DeadFinalState

    To model this in cayenne I am using single table inheritance concept. Now I have another object called Deal. And there is 1 to 1 relation between AbstractDealState and Deal and I joined then by abstractDealState_id(PK of AbstractDealState) and abstractDealState_id(FK of Deal). No "toDepk" checked.


    If I create first Deal and set the state as “NewDealState” then it works. Then if I try to create another Deal with same state then it will throw cayenne commit exception that


    “Cannot inset a duplicate key into unique key.”


    What am I doing wrong here?



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