cgen, "incremental database updates", etc.

From: Robert Zeigler (
Date: Wed Jul 20 2005 - 18:30:46 EDT

  • Next message: Andrus Adamchik: "Re: cgen, "incremental database updates", etc."

    Hi all,

    I'm looking into the possibility of writing some stuff to "gracefully"
    handle upgrading "older" versions of a database to the current version
    of a database. Part of the core problem lies in not knowing where an
    "old" database might be starting from... it could be a "fresh install"
    scenario, where the db is starting from scratch. It could also be an
    update scenario from any of a number of previous versions of the
    database. I know the subject has come up briefly here before, and one
    suggestion was to record changes in a sort of incremental file.
    Good idea. :) But... there are a couple of... issues I have with that.
    That would basically be recording raw-sql; one of the things I like
    about cayenne is the ease with with different databases can be used. I'd
    rather stay away from raw sql if possible...
    So... I've started looking at what sort of api cayenne exposes for
    examining the database-structure as it is supposed to be (ie, as defined
    in the mapping file), and also the api, if any, for manipulating and/or
    querying table meta-data. I would appreciate any feedback on this
    subject before I embark down a potentially long, dead-end road. :) (And
    yes, I will be looking closely at the cgen ant task. :) Thanks in advance!!!

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