Eclipse Cayenne plugin

From: Øyvind Harboe (
Date: Wed Aug 24 2005 - 06:35:41 EDT

  • Next message: Andrus Adamchik: "Re: Eclipse Cayenne plugin"

    I've been using Cayenne, Tapestry, Spindle & Eclipse for a little while
    now and here is a quick dump of what a Cayenne Eclipse plugin might

    While the Cayenne GUI is great, any self-respecting OR mapper should
    aspire to have an Eclipse plugin these days. :-)

    - Be like Spindle. Anyone who are thinking about creating a Cayenne
      Eclipse plugin should take Spindle for a spin. It basically smartens
      up the editing of Tapestry .xml/.html files by coloring, ctrl-space
      completion and various other operations. Using the same approach
      shold also realize synergy effects w/Spindle+Tapestry.

    - Add outline view w/add+rename+delete fields/relations, etc. operations

    - refactoring with roundtripping support.
      By this I mean the ability to e.g. rename a database field and have
      the Cayenne files be updated, or vice versa.

    - add database field to table. This should update the classes,
      database and Cayenne xml files.

    Are there any Cayenne Eclipse plugin efforts underway?

    Øyvind Harboe

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