Trying to update meta data on objects which are saved

From: Jerome Chan (
Date: Fri Aug 26 2005 - 20:58:08 EDT

  • Next message: Andrus Adamchik: "Re: Performance?"

    I'm trying to update some data about my objects when they are saved.
    I have several different classes of objects which are saved. My
    solution is to use DataContextDelegate's finishedMergeChanges but it
    appears never to be called. When I call DataContext's commitChanges,
    does this trigger the delegate's finishedMergeChanges? My other
    solution is to call my update method in ValidateForSave but this
    would mean I would have to manually add in this call for each class.
    (Or I could subclass CayenneDataObject but this seems inelegant to me.)

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