Overriding Optimistic Locking setting?

From: Gili (cowwo..bs.darktech.org)
Date: Mon Aug 29 2005 - 13:51:27 EDT

  • Next message: Gentry, Michael \(Contractor\): "RE: Lazily column retrieval"


            I'd like a *Query to use the default optimistic locking setting
    *unless* I override it at the Query level. So for example, optimistic
    locking is on by default on field "name" but for this one specific query
    I want to disable it.

            In my case, I want to delete a record from the underlying database
    regardless of whether the underlying instance was modified or not. I
    know I can use SQLTemplate as always but it would be much nicer if I
    could configure this directly into a NonSelectingQuery or something.
    What do you think?



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