Reverse relationships and registeration

From: Gili (
Date: Fri Sep 09 2005 - 13:55:36 EDT

  • Next message: Gentry, Michael \(Contractor\): "RE: Reverse relationships and registeration"


            I get a NullPointerException under the following situation

    A registers with the context
    A.setRelationship(B) // where B is transient
    A.setRelationship(C) // where C is commited

            now in the last step, Cayenne tries to undo the reverse relationship
    ( line 376 eventually leading to line 461), but
    because B is transient "dataContext" is null and an exception is thrown.

            I assume a workaround would be to explicitly initialize the
    relationship object, but I just thought I should point this out because
    I think Cayenne 1.2 is supposed to handle these sorts of things. Should
    I file a JIRA issue for it?



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