Re: How to add a third field to a join table?

From: Andrus Adamchik (
Date: Thu Sep 22 2005 - 14:15:08 EDT

  • Next message: Andrus Adamchik: "Re: Registering extended types"

    Actually now that the join table has meaningful attributes you should
    create an ObjEntity for it. Flattened relationships that you setup is
    a shortcut to hide meaningless tables. In your case it is no longer


    On Sep 22, 2005, at 7:04 AM, Joseph Hannon wrote:
    > I successfully implemented the seven step instruction piece that
    > Todd O'Bryan detailed in the post 'Many to Many Relation'. That
    > would be a great addition to the Cayenne docs!
    > Now, I need to add a new field to the link table 'UserToRole'. This
    > new field, 'YYZ', will represent the importance of a specific Role
    > for a User as an integer. YYZ clearly cannot be in the Role table
    > since Roles are reused and each may have a different importance.
    > Based on Todd's instructions, I don't have an objEntity called
    > UserToRole, and now I suspect I will need one due to this new
    > field. Currently, I can retrieve a List of Role objects from
    > within User, but how would I get to this new field YYZ?
    > Please advise.
    > Thanks,
    > Joseph

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