Tapestry integration

From: jaka lustek (cayenn..mail.si)
Date: Tue Oct 25 2005 - 04:11:35 EDT

  • Next message: emre yilmaz: "Cayenne not run"


    I posted similar question on Tapestry list, but did not get the answer
    so far. Can someone explain the steps to use CayenneDataSqueezer with
    Tapestry. I downloaded the squeezer from Tassel. I don't want to go
    statefull, is it possible to achieve this with CayenneSqueezer? I hope I
    am not asking silly questions.

    I have a tiny web app, just two pages, the first is collecting answers
    with radio group buttons, and the second is collecting user data. The
    model will use some three tables and some relationships. Simple model,
    simple web app, but as I am new to Cayenne Tapestry world I need some
    hints. I intend to present this app in my company as a proof of concept
    when will be ready (and this shold happen very soon).



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