Re: Tapestry integration

From: Robert Zeigler (
Date: Tue Oct 25 2005 - 10:59:05 EDT

  • Next message: Eric Schneider: "Re: Tapestry integration"

    Sorry, I must've missed your e-mail on the tapestry list.
    Using the squeeze adapter is a matter of implementing the
    two interfaces it requires. One is ObjectIdStorageProvider.
    If you never use objects which are in state "NEW" in your pages,
    then this interface is unimportant and you can have a "dummy"
    implementation. Otherwise, what this interface is for is to
    store (in memory) the (temporary) ObjectId object or a data object in
    state NEW.

    The other interface is the "DataContextProvider" (single method:
    The purpose is to provide the squeezer with a "valid" d.c. for the current

    Once you've implemented the interfaces...

    If you're using tapestry 3.0.3, you'll have to subclass BaseEngine.
    In your subclass, override createSqueezeAdapter with something like:

            ISqueezeAdaptor[] adapters = {
                    new DataObjectAdaptor(new DataContextProviderImp(), new
            return new DataSqueezer(getResourceResolver(), adapters);

    If you're using tapestry 4.0.beta-xxx, then you can skip the subclassing
    and just define the adapter in your hivemind config file.
    There are many examples of how to do this posted throughout
    the userlist archives, and I believe on the tapestry wiki, as well.


    jaka lustek wrote:

    >I posted similar question on Tapestry list, but did not get the answer
    >so far. Can someone explain the steps to use CayenneDataSqueezer with
    >Tapestry. I downloaded the squeezer from Tassel. I don't want to go
    >statefull, is it possible to achieve this with CayenneSqueezer? I hope I
    >am not asking silly questions.
    >I have a tiny web app, just two pages, the first is collecting answers
    >with radio group buttons, and the second is collecting user data. The
    >model will use some three tables and some relationships. Simple model,
    >simple web app, but as I am new to Cayenne Tapestry world I need some
    >hints. I intend to present this app in my company as a proof of concept
    >when will be ready (and this shold happen very soon).

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