Re: Dataview: implementing master-datail view with combos. Cache problem ?

From: Ahmed Mohombe (
Date: Sun Dec 04 2005 - 07:46:09 EST

  • Next message: Andrus Adamchik: "Re: Dataview: implementing master-datail view with combos. Cache problem ?"

    > I am afraid you are on your own with DataViews
    That's very said :(.
    IMHO DataViews look very nice and promising.
    I saw in many projects a similar UI like the one DataViews is supposed to "produce",
    but always completely made by hand and with lots of effort.
    If DVModeler could be a little improved, it would be a pretty productive tool for many scenarios.

    As I said, in the replying thread for the above, DataViews(especially the idea of the DVModeler)
    looks like something that could be used not to "produce" data views only for Swing but for other
    frameworks too (especially web based).
    There are many frameworks that generate complete CRUD, but these "CRUD" views are very poor, and
    would need lot of customization. Instead of customizing the generated code, with DVModeler one could
    optimize "what to generate/produce".
    IMHO this way, with such a DVModeler(maybe integrated into the Modeler), many more projects would
    use Cayenne as a default ORM (as all the people I know, use Cayenne only because of the Modeler, so
    more productive and better tools, would attract more users).

    I asked at that time if this approach would make sense, or I'm overseeing something that's evident
    for everybody else with this approach. I would be still very glad to get an answer that would
    enlighten me :).

    Thanks in advance,


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