Re: Generic DataObjects?

From: Mike Kienenberger (
Date: Thu Dec 08 2005 - 14:45:20 EST

  • Next message: Andrus Adamchik: "Re: Generic DataObjects?"

    Yes, I would think it'd be possible to do this, but you're actually
    talking about doing two different and unrelated things.

    As for creating new data maps and entity representations, it is a
    matter of creating DataDomain/DataMap/ObjEntity/DbEntity instances
    with code rather than loading them from an xml file.

    The generated entity classes are just convenience classes to make
    working with your data easier and typesafe. If you look at the code
    of the generated classes, it just delegates those calls back to
    CayenneDataObject, passing the attributes as strings. It works like
    EOGenericRecord if you're familiar with EOF.

    On 12/8/05, Jonathan Carlson <> wrote:
    > Just curious,
    > Is it possible to define a database mapping using generic DataObjects
    > instead of a subclass? I'm just curious how dynamic Cayenne is, or if
    > some class compilation is necessary to add support for a new table.
    > Thanks,
    > - Jonathan
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