3t server enchancements

From: Marcin Skladaniec (marci..sh.com.au)
Date: Mon Dec 12 2005 - 21:04:48 EST

  • Next message: Andrus Adamchik: "Re: 3t server enchancements"

    Hi !
    We are moving from 2t to 3t client-server application. Using the
    example we managed to move the client code within few hours, but
    there is more work required with the server.
    In the example server is just a javax.servlet.GenericServlet with
    very small functionality. We need to implement server sessions and
    ssl connections.

    Cayenne 3t uses hessian, so all requests are HttpRequests, and all
    responses are HttpResponses. On server side it is possible to fetch
    HttpSession data from HttpRequest, and then addCookie() to
    HttpResponse. There is no cookie handling on client, has anyone tried
    to implement that ?
    Maybe there is a different way to implement sessions ?

    Hint for someone trying to use secure communication with https
    protocol: Hessian does not support https.

    Marcin Skladaniec

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