Re: Deleted objects showing up a serialized data context

From: Andrus Adamchik (
Date: Wed Jul 26 2006 - 15:26:33 EDT

  • Next message: Mike Kienenberger: "Re: Deleted objects showing up a serialized data context"

    On Jul 26, 2006, at 3:21 PM, Mike Kienenberger wrote:
    > I have it set as Deny instead of Nullify (I don't want to allow
    > deleting a FeeCycleType unless all FeeCycles pointing to it are
    > deleted).

    That's fine. I am talking about FeeCycle -> FeeCycleType delete rule
    - this one should be nullify.

    > I'll go ahead and try setting it to nullify, but I'm still confused
    > how the serialization process is finding the deleted FeeCycles when
    > the FeeCycleType doesn't appear to have any references to it.

    My suggestion was made on a premise that FeeCycleType.feeCycleList
    actually contains feecycles. Could you doublecheck that?

    BTW LinkedList is hard to debug as it only shows one element at a
    time, hiding the rest of the chain.


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