Re: Using Cayenne withTomcat gives ClassCastException

From: Cris Daniluk (
Date: Thu Nov 02 2006 - 09:24:10 EST

  • Next message: Mike Kienenberger: "Re: Cayenne bug 308"

    On 11/2/06, John <> wrote:
    > Hello Cris,
    > No you misunderstood me.
    > I develop with Eclipse and I have or (HAD) a Cayenne.jar under my
    > "ThierdpartyJars". And another Cayenne.jar for "./tomcat/shared/lib/" and
    > when i start the application using Tomcat and Tomcat uses the shared jars.
    > however, NOW: i use the same Jars under "./tomcat/shared/lib/" and I still
    > have the same problem.
    > as soon as I change any part from Home.jave I have to restart TomCat
    > completely.

    I still may not quite be there... if you're using Eclipse with WTP, it
    may be deploying your other cayenne.jar on your behalf, so you could
    still have both in Tomcat's classpath.

    However, if you're simply saying that when you change a class while
    Tomcat is running and encounter this problem on redelpoy - I'm not
    surprised. Putting jars under tomcat/shared/lib is asking for this
    problem to happen.


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