Re: [OT] Visual Paradigm

From: Michael Gentry (
Date: Fri Nov 17 2006 - 11:33:10 EST

  • Next message: Tomi NA: "Re: [OT] Visual Paradigm"

    I've not used their product. It is similar, most likely, but I don't
    know how similar. There are a lot of ORMs out there, but many of them
    seem to lack core features that Cayenne has, such as insanely great
    optimistic locking support. (I'm not saying their product doesn't
    have that, I'm just using it as an example.) The Cayenne Modeler
    doesn't do the entity relationship diagram like theirs does, but there
    are other tools to do that if you want it (I hardly ever work in that
    mode -- I write code, not look at pictures). Perhaps someone who
    knows more can comment more constructively. :-)



    On 11/17/06, Borut Bolina <> wrote:
    > Hi,
    > any comment on this:
    > Is this like Cayenne version 0.4 alpha or ...?

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