can't modify relationships in validateForUpdate()?

From: Bryan Lewis (
Date: Mon Nov 27 2006 - 12:31:13 EST

  • Next message: Michael Gentry: "Re: can't modify relationships in validateForUpdate()?"

    We have some code in a DataObject's validateForUpdate() method that
    modifies the object's relationships. It had been working fine for over
    a year, although it's not exercised very often because it's only called
    when an employee leaves. Today it threw a ConcurrentModification, so
    I'm guessing there was some related change in Cayenne in the last few
    months. It reminds me of the guideline we used to follow with our old
    WebObjects apps, shouldn't modify an object in -validateForSave... maybe
    now that's a good rule in Cayenne too?

        public void validateForUpdate(ValidationResult validationResult)
            DataContext dc = getDataContext();
            DataRow oldData =
            Boolean oldIsActive = (Boolean) oldData.get("ISACTIVE");
            Boolean newIsActive = getIsActive();
            // If the employee is being made inactive...
            if (oldIsActive.equals(Boolean.TRUE) &&
    newIsActive.equals(Boolean.FALSE)) {
                // Clear the employee's roles.
                // Use a ListIterator to allow concurrent modification.
                for (ListIterator it = getRoles().listIterator();
    it.hasNext(); ) {
                    Role role = (Role);

    The exception:


    This is with Cayenne 1.2.1.

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