Persistence and inheritance : a noob question

From: Landry Soules (
Date: Tue Nov 28 2006 - 15:51:36 EST

  • Next message: Michael Gentry: "Re: Persistence and inheritance : a noob question"


    I'm a new user of Cayenne, and am facing a design problem. Here it is :
    I would like to implement the following :
    - a Person abstract class (with first name, last name and so on
    properties), extended by Customer and Vip classes.
    In my mind, Person wouldn't be persistent, whereas Customer and Vip
    would, meaning having only customer and vip tables.
    Does this fit into the FAQ's CompositeVerticalInheritence, or does exist
    a simpler alternative, since i must admit i didn't understand how to use
    it ?


    Landry Soules

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