Re: Hook in the cayenne internals

From: jerome moliere (
Date: Mon Apr 02 2007 - 09:05:49 EDT

  • Next message: Michael Gentry: "Re: Hook in the cayenne internals"

    2007/4/2, Tore Halset <>:
    > On Apr 2, 2007, at 11:02, jerome moliere wrote:
    > > CREATE TABLE PAITINGS_TBL(painting_id int primary key,painting_data
    > > bytea);
    > >
    > > CREATE TABLE ARTISTS_BIO(artist_id int primary key, artist_text_bio
    > > bytea);
    > >
    > >
    > > in this schema 2 tables with 2 BLOB fields, the first one is simply
    > > the JPEG
    > > while the second is a long text with all the artist bio...
    > >
    > > The extendedtype could permit me to change the Cayenne behavior but
    > > for all
    > > bytea fields isn't it ?
    > No. You can map painting_data to Image and create an ExtendedType to
    > handle Image. Your artist_text_bio should perhaps be of type text
    > instead of bytea?

    hi tore,
    your no sounds to be a yes isn't it ?
    this was just an example... but the underlying question was is there a way
    to have a more specialized mapping in order to have consistent mappings not
    ones lit previously shown where 2 fields will be handled in a same manner
    while they should not ..


    Jerome Moliere - Mentor/J
    auteur Eyrolles

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