Delete query not generating as expected

From: Michael Lepine (
Date: Sat Apr 07 2007 - 13:59:05 EDT

  • Next message: Michael Gentry: "Re: Delete query not generating as expected"

    I'm experiencing something confusing when committing changes with a
    DataContext and objects to be deleted. I have a list of CayenneDataObjects
    that I'm either updating or deleting depending on parameters set in a web
    client. I've included the code below.

    When I debug the code, I can see the PersistanceState of the objects.
    Initially, the PersistanceState is COMMITTED. After the for loop, the
    objects that did have a delete flag set, do have a PersistanceState of
    DELETED (as expected). So, when the DataContext.commitChanges() method
    executes, it only generates and runs the update query. It does not generate
    the delete query as I'd expect it to. After the commitChanges() executes,
    the objects that had a PersistanceState of DELETED now have a
    PersistanceState of TRANSIENT, and obviously, the records still exist in the

    Does anyone have any ideas that I could try? This is driving me crazy. I'm
    sure I'm missing something very simple.

    Thanks for any help you can offer.

    // MerchElementSupportedAnswer is a subclass of CayenneDataObject
    *for* (MerchElementSupportedAnswer answer : answers) {

        // if data for answer was deleted, delete record

    * if* (answer.isDeleteFlag()) {


    * continue*;






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