Re: Should localObject() traverse the whole graph?

From: Andrus Adamchik (
Date: Fri May 18 2007 - 15:36:22 EDT

  • Next message: Andrus Adamchik: "Re: [JIRA] Created: (CAY-790) commitChanges() doesn't imply commit in db ?"

    On May 18, 2007, at 8:13 PM, Kevin Menard wrote:

    > The section in the docs titled "Moving Objects Between Contexts"
    > may be
    > better named as well.

    Agreed. The "moving" emphasis is wrong.

    > Maybe the correct solution is to
    > finally make it possible to associate two unregistered data objects
    > and
    > then only bring the DC into the mix once the data is all set . . .

    Yes. I advocated for some time aligning Cayenne context API with JPA
    in this respect, that defines two methods for sucking a non-
    persistent object graph into a context - "persist", which is roughly
    the same as "registerNewObject", and "merge", which is somewhat
    similar to "localObject", but works recursively.


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