performing count

From: Peter Schröder (
Date: Fri Jun 01 2007 - 10:06:15 EDT

  • Next message: Mike Kienenberger: "Re: performing count"


    i am wondering about the perfomance-impact of using cayenne to performing an result-count.

    currently i am doing something like this, wich is very straight-forward.

                    SelectQuery query = new SelectQuery(Tcomrecherche.class, qualifier);
                    List list = context.performQuery(query);
                    return list.size();

    i could also use an SQLTemplate or a named query to perform a COUNT(*) which would be much uglier. i would prefer the first solution, but i think that this operation will take much more work for mysql-db than the direct query.

    are there some hints on how to handle this?

    kind regards,

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