Re: Reengineer Database Schema ant task

From: Dave Merrin (
Date: Thu Nov 15 2007 - 11:32:00 EST

  • Next message: Mike Kienenberger: "Re: Reengineer Database Schema ant task"

    Cheers Andrus. I'm just looking at the code now. Will give it a try.


    Andrus Adamchik wrote:
    > Dave,
    > You can use DbLoader class to reengineer DB from your code or build an
    > Ant task on top of it.
    > In fact if you map the entities as generic classes during
    > reengineering, you can use the generated DataMap in the application
    > right away, without a restart. I've done it on one project. IMO such
    > dynamic ORM is pretty cool.
    > Andrus
    > On Nov 15, 2007, at 10:52 AM, Dave Merrin wrote:
    >> Hi Kevin,
    >> can I make direct use of a function in the Modeler jar to instantiate
    >> a generate from my own app?
    >> It would be good in Cayenne but I think it will be a long time before
    >> I move to version 3. I don't want somebody to do all the work and it
    >> never gets used.
    >> Cheers,
    >> Dave
    >> Kevin Menard wrote:
    >>> Hi Dave,
    >>> There is not currently any ant task for that. The expectation has
    >>> been that
    >>> you would generate the datamap once from the modeler, and then use
    >>> the cgen
    >>> ant task to generate the classes. Now that Tore has added code in the
    >>> modeler for merging changes between the DB and the datamap, it may be
    >>> worthwhile to add some sort of ant task for that.
    >>> If it is something you'd like to see in 3.0, please file a JIRA and
    >>> it'll
    >>> get reviewed.
    >>> On 11/15/07 9:05 AM, "Dave Merrin" <> wrote:
    >>>> Hi,
    >>>> is there an ant task to reengineer the database as you can with
    >>>> Cayenne
    >>>> Modeler?
    >>>> Cheers,
    >>>> Dave

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