Re: ExtendedType and IN operator

From: Andrus Adamchik (
Date: Mon Nov 26 2007 - 07:42:00 EST

  • Next message: Andrus Adamchik: "Re: Cayenne and Apache Wicket"


    I vaguely remember this being a problem in the past and us fixing
    it... I couldn't find any references via Google (having "IN" as a
    keyword doesn't help). So could you post the code that builds the
    query and the exact Cayenne version.


    On Nov 23, 2007, at 3:39 AM, Chris Gamache wrote:

    > I'm using Cayenne2 and PostgreSQL.
    > For any single R-value in a where clause, my ExtendedType is working
    > wonderfully. But! If I create an expression which uses the operator
    > IN, my ExtendedType doesn't seem to get called. In the query logger
    > everything looks okay, but pgjdbc complains in the same way that it
    > would if there were no exended type. That leads me to believe either
    > that Cayenne is ignoring ExtendedTypes when it does the JDBC binding
    > for the R-value list, or that I've left out a detail in my
    > ExtendedType class which is the culprit. I can post my ExtendedType
    > code and some code that misbehaves. Will that suffice, or would you
    > need more?
    > CG

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