ExtendedType and IN operator

From: Chris Gamache (cgamach..mail.com)
Date: Thu Nov 22 2007 - 20:39:53 EST

  • Next message: Philip Miller: "RE: rollbackChangesLocally"

    I'm using Cayenne2 and PostgreSQL.

    For any single R-value in a where clause, my ExtendedType is working
    wonderfully. But! If I create an expression which uses the operator
    IN, my ExtendedType doesn't seem to get called. In the query logger
    everything looks okay, but pgjdbc complains in the same way that it
    would if there were no exended type. That leads me to believe either
    that Cayenne is ignoring ExtendedTypes when it does the JDBC binding
    for the R-value list, or that I've left out a detail in my
    ExtendedType class which is the culprit. I can post my ExtendedType
    code and some code that misbehaves. Will that suffice, or would you
    need more?


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