Enum best practices

From: Kevin Menard (kmenar..ervprise.com)
Date: Wed Jan 16 2008 - 10:43:32 EST

  • Next message: Michael Gentry: "Re: Enum best practices"

    Hi all,

    I'm looking at a problem that enums look like a good fit for, but I've never
    bothered with Cayenne's enum support. So, I'm looking for some help on best

    What I have is an "orders" table that I would like to store an "eval_status"
    value to indicate whether the order is as an evaluation order and at what
    stage of the eval it is.

    Normally, I decompose everything and would have an "eval_status" table with
    various values and set up an FK constraint on an "eval_status_id" column on
    the "orders" table. I don't expect these values to change, but if they do,
    I'd like to be able to do a simple UPDATE statement on the one row.

    In my code, however, I think it would be really nice to be able to use
    expressions such as: if (EvalStatus.CONVERTED == order.getEvalStatus()). It
    seems that this would be much nicer than using a Cayenne DO for the

    Despite all of this, I don't want to be binding the data model too tightly
    to Java. In the past we've used Python to access the DB, so I'd like to
    support that as well as I can.

    The best way I've come up with is if the enum maps its values to the PKs of
    the entries in "eval_status" table. I think this would achieve what I'd
    like, with the downside that referential integrity may be compromised if I
    update one but not the other.

    Is this largely what others are doing? Or, do you just use VARCHAR columns
    and not worry about the normalization of the DB?


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