Re: Enum best practices

From: Aristedes Maniatis (
Date: Wed Jan 16 2008 - 15:49:25 EST

  • Next message: Kevin Menard: "Re: Enum best practices"

    On 17/01/2008, at 2:43 AM, Kevin Menard wrote:

    > The best way I've come up with is if the enum maps its values to the
    > PKs of
    > the entries in "eval_status" table. I think this would achieve what
    > I'd
    > like, with the downside that referential integrity may be
    > compromised if I
    > update one but not the other.
    > Is this largely what others are doing? Or, do you just use VARCHAR
    > columns
    > and not worry about the normalization of the DB?

    I don't quite understand what advantage you get from the above
    approach rather than just creating a table called
    OrderEvaluationStatus and using regular relations?

    For my part, I make a separation between attributes which a user might
    (even theoretically) modify and those which are tied into the
    functioning of the code. If a user might change the data (eg. states,
    postcodes, etc) then it belongs in a separate table. If tied
    instrisically to the code (eg. Invoice.status) then I'd create static
    constants in the Invoice table which point to Integer values for
    database storage. A user shouldn't then be able to create a new
    invoice status even if they have direct access to the database since
    their meaning is heavily tied up in how the code works.
    or whatever.

    The main trouble with my approach is that there is nothing stopping a
    programming error like


    other than the naming convention. Enums should certainly help here.

    Have I missed the point of what you were asking?


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