Re: Enum best practices

From: Kevin Menard (
Date: Wed Jan 16 2008 - 17:32:12 EST

  • Next message: Aristedes Maniatis: "Re: Enum best practices"

    On 1/16/08 3:49 PM, "Aristedes Maniatis" <> wrote:
    > I don't quite understand what advantage you get from the above
    > approach rather than just creating a table called
    > OrderEvaluationStatus and using regular relations?
    > For my part, I make a separation between attributes which a user might
    > (even theoretically) modify and those which are tied into the
    > functioning of the code. If a user might change the data (eg. states,
    > postcodes, etc) then it belongs in a separate table. If tied
    > instrisically to the code (eg. Invoice.status) then I'd create static
    > constants in the Invoice table which point to Integer values for
    > database storage. A user shouldn't then be able to create a new
    > invoice status even if they have direct access to the database since
    > their meaning is heavily tied up in how the code works.
    > or whatever.

    That's largely what I'm trying to avoid. I don't want a bunch of integer
    values that have no meaning without the corresponding Java code. I suppose
    SQL comments are one way to go or external documentation, but each has its
    own set of downsides.

    > The main trouble with my approach is that there is nothing stopping a
    > programming error like
    > invoice.setStatus(PURCHASE_STATUS_HOLD)
    > other than the naming convention. Enums should certainly help here.

    Correct. I think they enhance clarity in most cases as well.

    > Have I missed the point of what you were asking?

    I'm not sure. I may not have been clear enough to start. Do my above
    comments help elucidate any?


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