Databinding library released

From: Florijan Stamenkovic (
Date: Mon Jan 21 2008 - 14:01:52 EST

  • Next message: Andrus Adamchik: "Re: Databinding library released"

    Hi all,

    I am happy to say that the databinding library I've been working on
    (for WebObjects and Swing) is ready for it's initial release. The
    library however is easily extendable for usage with other data
    persistence systems and other GUI systems. I am hoping that some of
    you Cayenne users would chip in the hour or two needed for
    implementing Cayenne support. The website describes in detail how
    this can be done.

    I have no idea how good the support for making Cayenne based
    JavaClient applications is in the standard package, but maybe some of
    you could use this.

    I'd be happy to include any good implementation of Cayenne support
    into the standard distribution.

    The library site:

    My best,
    Florijan Stamenkovic
    CNG Havaso Ltd

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