Re: Cayenne and Spring (a Hibernate inspired question)

From: Michael Gentry (
Date: Thu Feb 28 2008 - 09:29:09 EST

  • Next message: Adrian Wiesmann: "State of DataObjects (uncommitted but nonexistent on DB)"

    It is my experience that Cayenne handles lazy relationships (faults)
    very well -- just keep your objects/data context/etc around. As soon
    as a fault is triggered, Cayenne will get a (pooled) connection to the
    database, do what it needs, then return the connection. When I was
    subscribed to the Tapestry mailing list, that question would literally
    arise every 1-3 weeks with people thinking it was a Tapestry problem
    when in fact it is a Hibernate problem. (I recently attended a
    Hibernate training class and that was one of the topics.) In my
    Tapestry+Cayenne application it was never an issue and it was abusive
    on lazy relationships. The only thing I had to overcome was Tapestry
    4 serializing my CayenneDataObjects to the HTML as hidden fields.
    Once I figured that out, it worked fine.


    On Thu, Feb 28, 2008 at 5:03 PM, Marek Wawrzyczny
    <> wrote:
    > Regarding queries. Hibernate often handles lazy initialized relationships very
    > badly.

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