Re: From DataView location to DataView object?

From: Andrus Adamchik (
Date: Thu Mar 06 2008 - 03:41:32 EST

  • Next message: Malcolm Edgar: "Re: Data Access Filters"

    Hi Mary-Anne,

    Sorry for not answering your question, but rather giving you a big
    picture on the state of DV technology. DataViews support has always
    suffered due to the lack of volunteers to develop it, and finally got
    dropped in Cayenne 3.0 [1]. DV in Cayenne 2.0 is documented here [2]
    (as you probably already know)...

    Also there are some active DV users on this list that I hope will find
    time to help you with your specific question.



    On Mar 5, 2008, at 10:29 PM, Mary-Anne Wolf wrote:
    > Another beginner question:
    > I have a Configuration, conf.
    > I can get the names and locations of my DataViews using
    > conf.getDataViewLocations()
    > which returns a Map.
    > How do I get from a String name and location in this Map
    > to a DataView object?
    > The constructor for DataView takes no arguments.
    > The Configuration has no methods that return DataViews.
    > The load method assumes one already has a DataView object.
    > How is this supposed to work and where is this documented?
    > thanks,
    > Mary-Anne

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