Google Summer of Code 2008

From: Andrus Adamchik (
Date: Wed Mar 19 2008 - 07:50:38 EDT

  • Next message: Ahmed Mohombe: "Re: Google Summer of Code 2008"

    Any students out there? Google Summer of Code program starting now
    [1]. We (myself as a formal mentor, and other committers informally)
    will be mentoring at least one project [2] this year, so it is a
    chance for a student to:

    * participate in a fun Apache open source project
    * make a contribution to Cayenne that will be used by a large number
    of people worldwide
    * earn $4500 in 3 months and a T-shirt ;-)

    You are free to suggest your own project ideas in addition to the one
    I posted [2], but be aware that we'd like to mentor projects that can
    be included in Cayenne right away, and would not require a dedicated
    support person after the end of the GSoC (so it has to be in line with
    our immediate development goals). For instance "implement a missing
    JPA feature XYZ" is a project idea we are likely to mentor, while
    "implement NetBeans plugin for Cayenne" is not.

    As a reminder - formal application submission period starts on March 24.

    Feel free to ask questions on this and the dev lists.



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