Cayenne 3.0M3 and NamedQueries

From: Malcolm Edgar (
Date: Mon Mar 24 2008 - 22:34:35 EDT

  • Next message: Andrus Adamchik: "Re: Cayenne 3.0M3 and NamedQueries"

    Hi All,

    I have been upgrading an Cayenne 1.2 project to 3.0M3. I wanted to
    know if some behaviour has changed.

    I have had an issues RawSQL queries, where objects added have not been
    evaluated by Velocity in the SQL template.

    For example ${} won't be evaluated to User.getId(). However
    if I evaluate this in code, and then put ${userId} into the query a
    parameter this works.

            // Works
                Map params = Collections.singletonMap("userId", getUserDetails().getId());
                NamedQuery query = new NamedQuery("ToDoSubmissionsForUser", params);

            // Does not work
                Map params = Collections.singletonMap("user", getUserDetails());
                NamedQuery query = new NamedQuery("ToDoSubmissionsForUser", params);

    regards Malcolm Edgar

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