Re: How to propoerly close context db connection

From: Laurent Marchal (
Date: Mon Mar 31 2008 - 14:14:11 EDT

  • Next message: Robert Zeigler: "upgrading from 2.0.x to 3.0 M3: is there a guide?"

    personnaly i used informations from here
    I inherit the cayenne PoolManager (code is attached) and when a
    disconnect occurs i use a thread to poll when
    the connection becomes active with

            try {
                _log.trace("[DatabaseConnectionMonitor:run()] Try to get a
    connection from PoolManager.");
                //Get a connection and close it immediately
                _log.trace("[DatabaseConnectionMonitor:run()] Connection to
    database established !");
            } catch (SQLException e) {
                //Event Disconnected already sent so do nothing
                _log.trace("[DatabaseConnectionMonitor:run()] Cannot get a
    connection from database.");

    Colin Bankier wrote:
    > Hi,
    > I can't seem to find any examples of how to properly close a database
    > connection and clear any related cache.
    > My app is using an embedded database, of which it can download a new version
    > and overwrite the old one.
    > At the moment I try to clear any cache using context.getQueryCache().clear()
    > (context is my DataContext instance).
    > And then set the context to null (for want of anything better to do).
    > The app then downloads and copies a new version of the database over the
    > old, and connects using context = DataContext.createDataContext() etc etc.
    > However - the data displayed STILL is the old data - until the app is
    > shutdown and re-started when it correctly reads the new data.
    > Any help on how to properly close the database connection would be greatly
    > appreciated.
    > Cheers,
    > Colin Bankier.

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