
From: Eric Polino (
Date: Tue May 06 2008 - 11:43:39 EDT

  • Next message: Michael Gentry: "Re: Postgresql"

    We were using derby and have decided to switch to postgresql. I have
    changed all my adapters and drivers and they seem to be working
    properly. I'm getting issues when I try to run my initialization
    script that has always worked before. It's a pretty simple script.
    It's just a whole bunch of inserts that initialize a development db to
    work with. It's complaining that it can't find the tables it's
    attempting to insert into. I think it's pretty fair to assume that
    since they aren't there, it's because they weren't created. Our setup
    is pretty simple. Via an ant script, we use the postgresql adapter to
    take the db schema generated by the CayenneModeler to create the db we
    need in our postgresql db.

    I hope this is enough information to trigger some type of help. We
    are all pretty new to Cayenne. We were working with derby so far,
    simply because it was what the guide had us start with, and we haven't
    changed yet. So, some parts we just do blindly. TIA for anyone
    lending a hand.

    Facts i know:
    my database exists, i can connect to it via the console
    when connecting to my db after trying to build, the tables aren't there
    it doesn't fail when attempting to setup the db via the schema
    it fails when trying to run some insert statements

    Pieces of the build.xml that might be of help:

    <!-- generate database schema from data map -->
    <echo message="creating new schema for SunriseDB from cayenne data map..."/>
    <cdbgen map="${basedir}/src/main/resources/"
          url="${jdbc.url}" NOTE: set to
          password="*****" />

        <!-- populate database -->
        <echo message="populating database with test data..."/>


    Eric Polino
    Campground Automated Systems

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