Re: Cayenne 3.0M4 ignoring extended data types

From: Chris Gamache (
Date: Mon Aug 04 2008 - 17:52:54 EDT

  • Next message: Chris Gamache: "Re: Cayenne 3.0M4 ignoring extended data types"

    On Mon, Aug 4, 2008 at 3:32 PM, Andrus Adamchik <>wrote:

    > Sure, but can you doublecheck that the types are loaded in the right
    > Configuration? I.e. after all libraries are loaded, can you grab the shared
    > configuration and print the contents of the ExtendedTypeMap?
    > [BTW, this is the area where Cayenne indeed requires some improvement.
    > Support for multi-configuration stack (aka libraries) is coming in 3.0 - I
    > am working on it now.]

    I double checked the types, and they are indeed loaded. I wanted to create a
    set of test cases to illustrate the problem I'm having, and and in doing
    so I found that my cheese has been moved! :)

    Here are the test cases I created:

     private DataContext context;

     public void testUser() {

      if(context == null){
       this.context = ContextCreator.makeContext();
      UserTable user = null;
      Expression exp = ExpressionFactory.matchExp(UserTable.USER_UUID_PROPERTY,
      SelectQuery select = new SelectQuery(UserTable.class, exp);
      user = (UserTable) DataObjectUtils.objectForQuery(context, select);
      if(user == null) throw new IllegalStateException("User not found for user
      try {
       UUID userUuid = user.getUserUuid();
      } catch (ClassCastException e) {
       fail("Failed to retrieve userUuid.");

     public void testCompany() {

      if(context == null){
       this.context = ContextCreator.makeContext();
      CompanyTable company = null;
      Expression exp =
      SelectQuery select = new SelectQuery(CompanyTable.class, exp);
      company = (CompanyTable) DataObjectUtils.objectForQuery(context, select);
      if(company == null) throw new IllegalStateException("Company not found
    for user 394fa90e-75a3-4dd1-9205-341409bcba4b");
      try {
       UUID companyUuid = company.getCompanyUuid();
      } catch (ClassCastException e) {
       fail("Failed to retrieve companyUuid.");


    ..est public void testCompanyFromUser() {
      if(context == null){
       this.context = ContextCreator.makeContext();
      UserTable user = null;
      Expression exp = ExpressionFactory.matchExp(UserTable.USER_UUID_PROPERTY,
      SelectQuery select = new SelectQuery(UserTable.class, exp);
      user = (UserTable) DataObjectUtils.objectForQuery(context, select);
      if(user == null) throw new IllegalStateException("User not found for user

      try {
       UUID userUuid = user.getUserUuid();
      } catch (ClassCastException e) {
       fail("Failed to retrieve userUuid.");

      CompanyTable company = user.getToCompanyTable();

      try {
       UUID companyUuid = company.getCompanyUuid();
      } catch (ClassCastException e) {
       fail("Failed to retrieve companyUuid.");


    Test #1 and Test #2 fail with the same class cast exception until I remove
    this pair of relations from the config file:

     <db-relationship name="companyTable" source="company_balance_trans_locks"
    target="company_table" toMany="false">
      <db-attribute-pair source="company_uuid" target="company_uuid"/>
     <db-relationship name="creditLocks" source="company_table"
    target="company_balance_trans_locks" toMany="true">
      <db-attribute-pair source="company_uuid" target="company_uuid"/>
     <obj-relationship name="companyTable" source="CompanyBalanceTransLocks"
    target="CompanyTable" db-relationship-path="companyTable"/>
     <obj-relationship name="creditLocks" source="CompanyTable"
    target="CompanyBalanceTransLocks" db-relationship-path="creditLocks"/>
    Then the tests run fine. I'm still baffled, but for a different reason. Why
    would the presence of this relation cause the failure?

    Thank you for continuing to work through this with me.

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