RE: more than one ObjEntity mapped to class problem

From: Scott Anderson (
Date: Mon Aug 11 2008 - 14:13:01 EDT

  • Next message: Andrus Adamchik: "Re: NUMERIC default scale behaves differently on Derby & SQL Server"

    One really hacky but effective way to do this would be to override the
    class loader to log where the classes are coming from - after you filter
    for your package of course. You'll be able to mine a full stack trace in
    addition to the actual location of the class file.

    -----Original Message-----
    From: Chris Gamache []
    Sent: Friday, August 08, 2008 3:06 PM
    Subject: more than one ObjEntity mapped to class problem

    Well, while we're working on the Cayenne 3.0M4 issue, I'm still
    this problem using Cayenne 2.0 ... I'm having a terrible time trying to
    track down this problem. It's most likely in my application code, but
    having a devil of a time finding it...

    WARNING: com.package.MyClass.doGet [v.2.0.3 May 6 2007] Can't perform
    lookup. There is more than one ObjEntity mapped to class

    This is a tomcat application. When I start the web service, I get these
    exceptions when I run a query which returns UserTable...

    user = (UserTable) DataObjectUtils.*objectForQuery*(context, select);

    How can I find out where Cayenne thinks all the ObjEntities are being
    from so I can find the source of the contention.

    Also! If I restart the tomcat enough it will eventually start and run,
    makes me think there's a race condition somewhere, and win or loose for
    ObjEntity means the difference between continuing to run and dying.

    Please help!

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