Re: Object Cache

From: Ian Jamieson (
Date: Tue Aug 26 2008 - 21:32:21 EDT

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    I first need to make sure it's not a stupid being done by me.
    I'll see if I can put an easily repeatable small example together on the
    weekend, and post the
    code from that rather.

    On Tue, Aug 26, 2008 at 8:22 PM, Andrus Adamchik <>wrote:

    > This should work within the sane DataContext - you should see the object on
    > the opposite end of relationship immediately. Can you post the relevant code
    > that you are using to set and check the relationship? Also what happens in
    > these few seconds (i.e. if this is a web application, does it happen in the
    > same request)?
    > Andrus
    > On Aug 26, 2008, at 8:10 AM, Ian Jamieson wrote:
    > Hi List
    >> I'm using cayenne 3M4.
    >> I'm a but confused with how to handle the cache.
    >> I have two objects A related to B in a one to many relationship.
    >> when I add objects B objects related to A, and immediately in a
    >> subsequent call ask for those B objects related to A, the new B objects
    >> are not present, though they are after trying the call again after a few
    >> seconds.
    >> To fix it, once I added a B object to A's B objects, I set object A as
    >> hollow, so
    >> that the next time A is used, it reloads...
    >> Is this the right way to make objects refresh their cache ?
    >> Its a web application, and the same dataContext is used in the different
    >> calls that
    >> use object A.
    >> Ian

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