Accepting DOs from a Spring service

From: Chris Murphy (
Date: Tue Oct 07 2008 - 05:16:00 EDT

  • Next message: Andrey Razumovsky: "Re: Accepting DOs from a Spring service"

    I have a Swing application that is being converted from using JDO to
    using Cayenne. It uses ROP and calls some Spring services. On the server
    WebApplicationContextFilter is being used. Some of the Spring services
    return more than just straightforward objects like Strings, they return
    DOs as well. I want these DOs to work in the application just like any
    other - so I want them to be part of the application's DataContext, and
    I want them to be of the client variety. My current best theory approach
    is for PK values to be returned rather than DOs, and for the method
    DataObjectUtils.objectForPk() to be used when a real DO is required. Is
    this an approach that ought to work?

    I'll concentrate on one of the types of DOs that comes across: Worker.
    Using the debugger I can see that the Workers are of the Cayenne server
    variety and still contain their PKs (but not much else). Thus I can test
    the above 'best theory' approach:

    This works fine:
            int toReplacePK = DataObjectUtils.intPKForObject(

    With the PK I would think from the doco that
    DataObjectUtils.objectForPK() would be able to give me the kind of DO I

    However this does not work:
            result = DataObjectUtils.objectForPK(

    This is what the error looks like:
    org.apache.cayenne.exp.ExpressionException: [v.3.0M4 May 18 2008
    16:32:02] Can't resolve path component: [worker.jdoid].

    The error is coming from the server. It makes sense that the object is
    being fetched from the server as it has not been queried. Should I be
    able to use DataObjectUtils.objectForPK() from an ROP client?

    thanks - Chris Murphy

    Seaweed Software Pty Ltd,

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